Saturday, November 7, 2020

Practical Learning

For practical learning last term we did sewing for the first time. I choose these patterns because I didn't want bright colours. I don't really like light colours and some of the patterns didn't match. The part I found hard was when we did the sewing but since this is my first time sewing I got random knots on the threads and it was annoying. The part I enjoyed was when we finished our bags! I am proud of my headphone bag!.
my bag!

Friday, September 4, 2020

fact or fiction?

Here are my three paragraphs describing my holiday experience. Can you geuss witch one are fact or 

Obstacle course - team work


Last Friday we were doing this obstacle course to practise teamwork and I could trust Kini. I had to listen carefully to what Kini said for me to do so I could jump and go around obstacles. We made it to the end of the obstacle course without falling or hitting any objects.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Grow your own rainbow

 We did a rainbow experiment to see how 
to grow your own rainbow.
How to make it:
Grab 1 tissue paper and cut it out like a rainbow shape.
Grab colouring felts and colour the end of your rainbow shape (colour it bold ). Get a tray of water don't over flow it. 
Pinch it on the top and slowly dip the end of your rainbow in the water (not your whole rainbow just the end).
Now watch your rainbow grow.
My rainbow didn't quite work because I dipped it too far in the water but it was worth it anyway.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

water cycle in a bag

Last week we did Water cycle we also had buddies, my buddy was Elizabeth.
First we got a plastic bag (zip lock bag) we drew a squiggly line for they ocean and sun and clouds at the top of the bag. Then we filled the water to the squiggly line we tried not to put the water on the side.Next we put  blue food colouring in the water to look like it was the ocean (only 2 drops ) after that we closed the bag up then we put it up a sunny window. We taped it up with red duck tape.
After a couple of hours it finally evaporated then it
sat at the top of the bag.  When you touched the little droplets they will fall done which acts as precipitation (raining). Finally is collects at the bottom of the bag. Thats how our water cycle experiment worked!  
Here is my picture explanation of the water cycle.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Hockey 2020 :)

On Thursday we did Hockey. My buddy for hockey was Kini. We practice dribbling a ball around the cone with our hockey stick.We also practise hitting the hockey ball and stoping the ball with our 
stick. It has been fun learning new skills. Here is a photo of our class practicing.

Sunday, March 15, 2020


Every Tuseday and Friday He puna Kawenga go swimming.Some times we do relays,floating on our back,games and other.I need a litle help with free style,skuling and back strokes. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Welcome back to 2020. I am in room 15 and I'm a year 5 and I'm excited.
This year I feel responsible, ready and grateful. I'm feeling pumped up and I can't wait to see whats going to happen in the future.